So you want to improve your profits and cashflow, but perhaps don’t know where to start? Maybe you want to get in control of your business planning but “strategy” sounds very formal and you haven’t been trained.
That’s where we come in. We offer training and support to help small businesses demystify financial forecasting and strategy planning, so that you can have more confidence in your management and leadership.
To get you started, we provide a whole range of free tools and workbooks. If there’s another resource that you’d like to see, get in touch to discuss your requirements with no obligation.
Price discounting strategies
Learn the 6 main strategies for discounting prices and when to avoid the temptation to knock something off the price just because you are scared of losing the customer.
This free workbook will share the pros and cons of each with clear examples to guide your thinking.
Assessing great ideas for improvement
Brainstorming is all very well, but how do you decide which ideas are good ones? Use this free workbook to assess strategic ideas against the impact they will have on your brand values, as well as strictly financial criteria.
Spotting monthly trends
Do you need to analyse your finances but hate spreadsheets with a passion? These free resources are Excel tools with a difference. They are designed to be easy to use so that you can view results graphically and concentrate on modelling the data instead of worrying about whether you’ve just deleted an important formula.
You may know that your business is seasonal, but seeing monthly results laid out visually can help you spot new trends. Just enter your results from the past 1, 2 or 3 years and the spreadsheet will do the hard work for you.
Predicting high level costs
![Free resources: predicting high-level costs](
It is helpful to forecast the revenue and costs for the next few months, so you can see whether you are likely to have enough cash in the business. If sales are pretty steady, you can look at your history. But in times of change, how can you estimate how much the costs will change if your revenue goes up or down?
Use this tool by putting in your historic monthly revenue and costs. The spreadsheet will lay it out visually so you can see seasonal patterns easily. It will also add a trend line and let you predict the monthly costs for any given level of revenue. If you’re expecting changes in revenue, this will help you forecast your cashflow better.
Understanding staff and other costs
![Free resources: understanding costs](
If you are trying to cut costs, it’s easy to get lost in the detail. This tool helps you keep track of your calculations and the reasoning behind your decisions, as well as showing the overall impact month by month.
Compare your current expectations to what you would like to happen. You just amend the figures you want to move, and the spreadsheet will automatically show you the impact.
Understanding your debtors and creditors
![Debtors and creditors](
If you want to negotiate changes in payments with your customers or your suppliers, you need to understand the impact on your cashflow month by month. This free Excel tool makes it easy to model the changes you want to agree and review the overall effect on your finances.
Model what you would like to happen against your current commitments. You just amend the figures you want to move, and the spreadsheet will automatically show you the impact.
Didn’t find the free resources you were looking for?
Contact us to tell us what free resources you would find helpful and we’ll see what we can do…