Do you ever feel you are just scratching the surface of the software applications you own?

Before diving into a huge project, there is often value in reviewing the software that you already have. Many companies complain about their software or continue with inefficient practices, when there are potentially features already available that simply need to be implemented or reconfigured. Or perhaps people just lack confidence in using it and are finding unnecessary workarounds.

This may need to be underpinned by a change programme, to adapt your culture and optimise your operational processes. Or it may be as simple as finding someone with the time and skills to configure the software, transition the current data and train the staff.

Stop delaying the improvements you want, and talk to me about how I can help.

How will it help?

Two people each holding a piece of jigsaw
  • Make the most of existing investment
  • Streamline your processes for efficiency and ease of use
  • Improve reporting
  • Stop frustrating your staff and wasting your time

I start by listening to what you do and what you want to change. You are the experts in your field and in the elements that make your business unique. I love to hear about the quirks and the details that are essential to you. You can have confidence I understand and respect your expertise.

What I am good at is pulling together the end to end processes and highlighting the inefficiencies that impact your staff and customers.

I also bring my huge experience of dozens and dozens of software packages across multiple business sectors. That means I can learn most software extremely quickly, because I know what I expect to find. So even if I have not used your specific application previously, you won’t need to spend days bringing me up to speed.

I will soon be able to advise on quick wins and bigger options to optimise your processes and use of the software. I can run one to one or classroom training to share best practice specific to your situation and software. And I can help configure new features to support your processes, import existing data where necessary, or research and implement integrations to reduce double-keying of data and improve reporting. I will assist with culture change to embed new ways of working and optimise the software to underpin them.

What now?

Arrange a free, 30 minute call to share your concerns and hopes, and let’s talk about how I can help your business.

What other services do you offer?